Our mission is to provide safe, comfortable, and affordable housing, economic opportunity and a suitable living environment free from discrimination.
Bridges Programs
Rental Assistance and Security and Utility Deposit Grants
The Bridges/Bridges-Like rental assistance programs are State funded programs administrated by Douglas County HRA. A housing subsidy is provided for a household with at least one adult member having a mental health diagnoses within the past two years and meets income eligibility guidelines. This is a temporary subsidy until the household can obtain permanent housing such as a Housing Choice Voucher or other rental assistance.
Limited funds may be available to assist in paying up to $300.00 for security and utility deposit grants.
Douglas County HRA administers these programs in Douglas, Pope, Stevens, Grant and Traverse Counties. An application can be obtained by contacting the HRA office.
Click the options below to download the application(s) and required mental health verification form.
Security Deposit Loan Program
If your household does not qualify for the Bridges program but still needs help moving we have a loan program that may help.
To be eligible the following requirements must be met: the residence must be in Douglas County, applicant must have a credit score of 500 or higher, an application along with a $5.00 application fee must be submitted for approval.
The maximum an applicant can apply for is half of the security deposit (up to $300.00). Upon application approval, additional paperwork will need to be filled out. The check will be mailed directly to the landlord! Monthly loan payments are due by the 5th of each month. Payment amounts depend on amount borrowed. Loans are to be repaid within 12 months.
Questions can be directed to Sarah at (320) 762-0529.
Click the button below to download the application form.
Down Payment Assistance Program (DPA)
The Douglas County HRA has allocated funds for a “Down Payment Assistance Program” (hereinafter called DPA). The DPA is a down payment and/or closing cost assistance program designed to meet the needs of low and moderate income homebuyers who wish to purchase a home, but are unable to provide the necessary liquid assets and/or qualify at the present time to finance the transaction without assistance. The assistance is in the form of a lien secured by the purchased property.
All borrowers and all co-borrowers, if any, (hereinafter called Borrower), must meet DCHRA DPA requirements and restrictions in regard to income limits, location of purchased property, type of property, etc.
The DCHRA offers these loans in Douglas and Pope Counties, not including the city limits of Alexandria. For properties located inside the City of Alexandria limits please contact the Alexandria HRA at 320-762-1311.
The maximum assistance amount is $5,000.00. The amount is based on an as needed basis. Maximum loan term of 7 years at 1% interest.
The DPA funds are designed to be used for down payment and approved closing costs, subject to any restrictions imposed by the first mortgage loan investor and/or insurer.
Landlord Repair Program
Rental units that fail an HRA unit inspection standard for a voucher holding tenant may qualify for a minor repair grant.
•The tenant must be a voucher holder through the DCHRA.
•Minimum grants of $500 – Maximum grant of $2,000
•Building owner must contribute 25% of the repair total cost.
Landlord Mitigation Program
The landlord mitigation program acts as a safety net for landlords renting to recipients of rental subsidy programs through the Douglas County HRA.
Landlords may apply for additional reimbursement of damages that exceed the security deposit escrow and are above normal wear and tear.
•The most recent tenant must be a voucher holder through the DCHRA.
•The property damage to be reimbursed for was caused as a direct result of a tenant’s occupancy.
•Maximum amount $2,000.00